An anchor in the wild sea

Pisces 2023 At the beginning of this year, my Capricorn 2023 post covered upcoming changes in planetary signs. One of these was Saturn entering Pisces, and this became a reality on March 7th. Saturn will stay in this sign until 2026, so we have some time to understand what he’s up to. I touched on a few relevant themes in …

Lessons to be learnt

Aquarius 2023 This month, I was invited to take part in setting up a new program for The Transmission School in Tuscany. I will take part for one week in a 14 week semester that runs from September to December 2023. The theme this year is Freedom and Responsibility. I was thrilled to be asked, and with Mercury strong for …

There’s something in the air

Sagittarius 2020 Indeed there is something in the air — or there will be very soon. Planets! After having a heavy dose of earthy Capricorn all this year, at least Jupiter and Saturn will move into an air sign and will be together on the solstice this year. And Pluto will follow them in 2023. Change is in the air …